[PREV] [19/25] - Stewart Park Reflections [NEXT]
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[PREV] Stewart Park Reflections
Ithaca, NY (Jan 2008)

Suan Hsi Yong   >   Ithaca 2005-2007   >   Ithaca [19/25]
2005-2006 (8 pix)
2007 (26 pix)
2008 (9 pix)
Link: 2008-2011
Link: 2012-2013
Upstate NY (8 pix)
Ithaca area (12 pix)
Last Day of '07 (9 pix)
Geese (35 pix)
Swans (2 pix)
Dabbling Ducks (21 pix)
Diving Ducks (11 pix)
Mergansers (25 pix)
Loon and Grebe (3 pix)
Cormorants (28 pix)
Herons (22 pix)
Buzzards (3 pix)
Ospreys (2 pix)
Hawks (9 pix)
Coots (8 pix)
Killdeer (8 pix)
Sandpipers (13 pix)
Gulls, Terns (27 pix)
Kingfishers (1 pix)
Woodpeckers (6 pix)
Flycatchers (1 pix)
Swallows (16 pix)
Chickadees (3 pix)
Nuthatches (2 pix)
Thrushes, Bluebirds, Robins (10 pix)
Mockingbirds, Catbirds (6 pix)
Waxwings (8 pix)
Wood-Warblers (2 pix)
Sparrows (8 pix)
Grosbeaks, Cardinals (4 pix)
Blackbirds, Grackles, Cowbirds (10 pix)
Finches (9 pix)
Miscellaneous Wildlife
Beetles (2 pix)
Butterflies (9 pix)
Link: Butterflies of New York
Damselflies (6 pix)
Fish (1 pix)
Flowers (1 pix)
Frogs, Tadpoles (3 pix)
Mammals (7 pix)
Mantis (2 pix)
Moths (4 pix)
Snakes (2 pix)
Tortoise (1 pix)
Images in this series:
  1. Lighthouse at Myers Point
  2. Myers Point Lighthouse
  3. Myers Point Lighthouse
  4. Upper Treman Lake
  5. IC Fountain at Night
  6. Van Natta Dam
  7. Goose Lineup
  8. Red Lighthouse with Cormorants and Terns
  9. Cormorants Passing Lighthouse
  10. Fall Creek Inlet
  11. Michigan Hollow
  12. Red Lighthouse
  13. Newman Golf Course
  14. Inlet Ice
  15. Ice Panes
  16. Ice Kiter
  17. Ice-Framed Lighthouse
  18. Stewart Park Reflections
  19. Stewart Park Reflections
  20. Ice Tree
  21. Iced Trees
  22. Iced Tree
  23. Red Lighthouse
  24. Red Jetty
  25. Myers Lighthouse